Copyright @ Bethesda CSI Tamil Church. All rights reserved
Diocese Of Tirunelveli
Bethesda CSI Tamil Church - Pune
Service Schedules:

Holy Communion Service
8:00 Am, Month's 1st & 3rd Sunday
Regular Sunday Worship Service
8:00 Am Morning Service
4:30 Pm Evening Service
Praise & Worship Service
8.00 Am, Month's 4th Sunday
Sunday School 
10:00 Am Every Sunday
Youth, Men's Women Fellowship
10.00 Am, 1st, 3rd, 4th Sunday
Bible Study
8.00 Am, 4th Sunday

Bethesda CSI Tamil Church
S.No.20/4, Kharadkar Park, Mundhwa-Kharadi Road, Santipur, Thite Nagar, Mundhwa, Pune, Maharashtra
India - 411014

Phone :
Mr Stephen - 9443481500


Welcome to Bethesda C.S.I Tamil Church,Pune

Click here to Locate us using Google Map

To meet people the Sunday 8.00 AM service is followed by tea and this give a good opportunity to meet, mix and chat.

But of course you are welcome to join any activities be they Worship or Leisure, for the latter check with the contacts to make sure they are meeting as specified, or use the feedback form.

If you are coming from overstate, the welcome is still warm!

Perhaps we can offer some more detailed guidance and perhaps offers of hospitality, do not hesitate to contact us.

Should you need any assistance with transport please do not hesitate to reach us


contactus [at]
prayerrequest [at]

Note: The email address has not been listed in the conventional format to reduce incidences of spam mail. Please replace '[at]' with '@' when sending mail to the email address.